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  • Is it possible to send luggage in advance?
    You can send it. Since there is a possibility of delayed arrival due to bad weather, please send your luggage to arrive by the day before check-in to ensure a smooth delivery of your important belongings.
  • 小麦アレルギーの食事はありますか?
  • What is near the inn?
    Right next to the inn, there is a windmill dam that can be accessed on foot. From the dam, you can enjoy beautiful views and the soothing sound of the nearby flowing river. Additionally, there is a large campground nearby. There are also places where you can draw spring water from the mountain.
  • Where can I park my car? Do I have to pay?
    The parking space is free .
  • Do you have a plan that includes dinner and breakfast?
    Yes, we do. Please choose from our paid options.
  • How can I make a reservation?
    We accept reservations through our website. You can also call us. Please note that we may not be able to respond immediately to inquiries in languages other than Japanese. Thank you for your understanding in advance.
  • 洗濯機、乾燥機はありますか?
    はい、ございます。 有料オプションになります。
  • Is there a convenience store nearby?
    There is a small supermarket that operates during the daytime only, which is a 30-minute drive away.
  • Cancellation fees in the event of a disaster.
    In the event of a cancellation due to a disaster situation (such as a typhoon), no cancellation fee will be charged. Rest assured that if you notify us of your cancellation, no cancellation fee will be applied. Please do not hesitate to cancel if necessary, but be sure to inform us of your cancellation.
  • ベジタリアンメニューはありますか?
  • Do you have heating and cooling equipment?
    We have air conditioning units. You can enjoy a comfortable stay.
  • クレジット払い・電子マネーなど使えますか?
    申し訳ございません。ご使用いただけません。 現地での現金払い、もしくは銀行口座振り込みになります。 お手数をお掛けいたしますが、よろしくお願いいたします。
  • Do you have meals for wheat allergies?
    Yes, we do. We offer options such as chicken salad and steamed vegetables. Please rest assured that our meals are primarily free from chemical seasonings and preservatives. We strive to use spring water from the mountains rather than tap water in our cooking whenever possible.
  • Do you sell beverages and food?
    We have a refrigerator and shelves stocked with items for sale. Please insert money before taking any items. Food items include instant meals and snacks. Spring water from the mountain is complimentary, so feel free to drink it.
  • For the weather forecast of Totsukawa Village, which region should I look at?
  • CancellationPolicy.
  • コンビニはありますか?
  • 虫はいますか?
    はい、おります。 虫が苦手な方でも安心して過ごせるよう、以下の取り組みを行っております。 1. 徹底した衛生管理 館内は常に清潔に保ち、虫が発生しにくい環境づくりに努めております。 2. 虫よけ対策 定期的に虫よけ剤を散布し、虫の侵入を防いでおります。 3. スタッフの対応 虫を発見した場合は、迅速かつ丁寧に駆除いたします。 4. 安心できる設備 虫よけネットや虫除けスプレーなどをご用意しておりますので、お気軽にご利用ください。 ですが、完全に虫が出ないようにすることは困難です。 ご理解ください。
  • Do you have washing and drying machines?
    Yes, we do. These are available as paid options.
  • 荷物を事前に送ることは可能ですか?
    はい、送ることができます。 悪天候による到着の遅れの可能性があるため、大切な荷物をスムーズにお届けするために、チェックインの前日までになるべく到着するように荷物を送ってください。
  • Wifiはありますか?
    はい、ございます。 無料でお使いいただけます。 "Does the inn have WiFi?" "Yes, we do." "It's available for free."
  • 災害によるキャンセル料金について。
    連絡があればかかりません。 災害(台風など)によるキャンセルの場合、キャンセル料金はかかりません。必要に応じて、安心してキャンセルしてください。ただし、キャンセルをする際には必ずお知らせください。
  • キャンセルポリシーについて。
  • 近くにバス停はありますか?
    はい、あります。 滝川口バス停 徒歩1分 なかバス停 徒歩5分
  • Does the inn have wifi?"
    Yes, we do. It's available for free.
  • 鍼は受けないといけませんか?
    いいえ、必要ありません。鍼が怖い場合は、日本式のカイロプラクティックやマッサージのみを提供することもできます。 当宿は、本格的な電気美容鍼灸を提供する数少ない鍼灸院の一つです。電気美容鍼灸は、顔の若返りだけでなく、脳のリフレッシュにも効果的です。お勧めします。
  • Is smoking allowed?
    Smoking indoors is not permitted. However, there is a designated smoking area outside for those who wish to smoke. There are no ashtrays provided indoors. There is a fine for violations.
  • チェックインとチェックアウトの時間は何時ですか?
    チェックインの時間は15:00で、チェックアウトの時間は10:00です。 お客様のご要望に柔軟に対応いたしますので、ご希望の時間をお知らせください。
  • ペットと一緒に宿泊できますか?
  • 飲み物、食べ物は販売していますか?
    販売物用の冷蔵庫と棚をご用意しております。 ご利用の際は、先にお金を入れてから商品をお取りください。 食べ物はインスタントの物やお菓子などになります。 山の湧き水は無料ですので、どうぞおのみください。
  • Do you have a television?
    We do not have a television at our inn. This is because we want our guests to enjoy the beautiful scenery, starry sky, nature, and fresh air.
  • Do you have bugs?
    Yes, we do. To ensure a comfortable environment for those who are sensitive to insects, we implement the following measures: Thorough hygiene management: We maintain cleanliness throughout the premises to create an environment less conducive to insect infestations. Insect repellent measures: We regularly apply insect repellents to prevent insect intrusion. Staff response: In the event of insect sightings, we promptly and courteously exterminate them. Facilities for peace of mind: We provide insect screens and insect repellent sprays for your convenience. However, it is difficult to completely eliminate the presence of insects. We appreciate your understanding.
  • 三浦口からどのくらいですか?
    三浦口から車で25分です。 お客様には無料の送迎サービスを提供しています。 また、翌朝には登山口までの送迎サービスも行っています。 安心して小辺路ハイキングをお楽しみください。 ご利用は宿泊されるお客様に限ります。施設から30分以内の範囲で無料の送迎サービスを提供しています。
  • テレビはありますか?
    私たちの宿にはテレビがありません。 これは、お客様に美しい景色、星空、自然、そして新鮮な空気を楽しんでいただきたいからです。
  • Do you have a vegetarian menu?
    Yes, we will accommodate as much as possible. While we cannot provide elaborate dishes, we offer simple, rustic meals made with locally sourced fresh vegetables and minimal pesticide use, avoiding additives and chemical seasonings. It will be very simple fare.
  • 予約の方法を教えてください。
    当施設ではウェブサイトを通じて予約を受け付けています。また、お電話でも予約を承っています。ただしお問い合わせにはすぐにお返事できない場合がありますので、あらかじめご了承ください。 2日経っても返事がない場合は申し訳ございませんが再度ご連絡お願いいたします。
  • Can I get a pick-up service?
    It's available only for guests staying at our inn. We provide free pick-up service within a 30-minute drive from the inn.
  • Please tell me the MAPCODE.
    2QXP+VJ 十津川村、奈良県
  • 自炊は可能ですか?
    はい可能です。 食材はご自身でご用意ください。
  • How about smartphones and internet access?
    Both smartphones and the internet are available without any issues. WiFi is provided free of charge. Please check the password at check-in. Please note that there may be occasional difficulty connecting to the WiFi.
  • Do you provide amenities?
    We offer shampoo, conditioner, body wash, hand soap, towels, and a hairdryer. However, we do not provide toothbrush sets, nightwear, or moisturizer, so please bring your own.
  • Is there a parking lot?
    We have parking space on the premises for up to three cars. Please contact us in advance if you plan to arrive by car.
  • 夕食と朝食が含まれるプランはありますか?
  • How do I make a reservation?
    Please make a reservation from our clinic website.
  • スマートフォンとインターネットの利用についてはどうですか?
  • 宿の側には何がありますか?
    風車ダムとキャンプ場 宿のすぐそばには、徒歩でアクセスできる風車ダムがあります。 ダムからは美しい景色を眺めることができ、近くを流れる川の音が心地よく響きます。 また、近くには新しく大きなキャンプ場があります。 山の湧き水を汲める場所もあります。
  • どうしてお部屋が簡素なのですか?
    私たちはわざと何もない空間を提供しており、ゲストが完全にリラックスできるようにしています。 その理由は、物体にはエネルギーが宿っており、このエネルギーのない空間で休むことで、ゲストが物理的・精神的に最適な状態になることを目指しているからです。 何もないこの空間で、私たちはゲストに自分自身と向き合い、内なる声に耳を傾けることを奨励しています。 きっと、新しい発見やインスピレーションが生まれるでしょう。
  • マップコードを教えてください。
    2QXP+VJ 十津川村、奈良県
  • Where is the nearest bus stop?
    The nearest bus stop to the inn is Takigawaguchi, which is a 1-minute walk away. It takes about 3 hours and 40 minutes by bus from Yamato-Yagi Station to Takigawaguchi. The fare is 3,350 yen. There are three buses from Yamato-Yagi Station to Takigawaguchi each day: at 9:15, 11:38, and 13:38. For the Yamakaze bus, it does not stop at Takigawaguchi. You need to get off at the Kazeya bus stop and walk 20 minutes to the inn. The fare is 3,300 yen. There is a special ticket available only from Yamato-Yagi Station that allows you to get off along the route. If you are interested in the Tanise Suspension Bridge, you may want to purchase this ticket. However, please note that the Yamakaze bus does not stop at Takigawaguchi, so be careful.
  • 宿までの交通手段は何ですか?
    電車が通っていない場所なので、車か、バスになります。 奈良県JR大和八木駅(南口)からバスで滝川口バス停まで来ます。 そこから徒歩1分です。 これは日本最長のバス路線の1つです。
  • 食べ物アレルギーがあります。
    事前にご連絡いただければ、可能な限り対応させていただきます。ただし、当方は近くのスーパーまで車で1時間以上かかる場所にあるため、ご希望に添えない場合もございます。予めご了承ください。 特に調味料などは入手困難なため、ご持参いただけると助かります。
  • Why is there nothing in the room?
    We deliberately provide a space with nothing in it to allow guests to relax fully. The reason is that objects carry energy, and by resting in a space devoid of this energy, we aim for guests to clear their minds and reach their optimal state of being both physically and mentally. In this space with nothing, we encourage guests to face themselves and listen to their inner voice. Surely, new discoveries and inspirations will emerge.
  • 私はタトゥーがありますが温泉は入れますか?
    当宿の宿泊者は入れます。 ご安心ください。
  • If I want to stay multiple nights and tour around, is it possible to have a guide?
    Yes, of course. There are many wonderful places in Tsudatsugawa Village, so we will take you to the places you desire. Our top recommendation is the Tamaki Shrine, Japan's oldest shrine.
  • Is it okay to skip breakfast?
    Yes, you can skip breakfast if you prefer. If you cancel your breakfast, we will not be able to refund you. However, we will give you a Japanese souvenir instead. Please let us know in advance if you have any specific requests for breakfast, such as cereal or fruit. We will do our best to accommodate your requests. However, please note that we may not be able to fulfill all requests.
  • チェックインは18:30以降は可能ですか?
  • What time is the check-in and check-out times?
    Check-in time is 15:00 and check-out time is 10:00. We will respond flexibly to your needs. Please let us know your preferred time.
  • I have food allergies.
    If you could inform me in advance, I will do my best to accommodate your needs. However, please note that we are located more than an hour's drive away from the nearest supermarket, so there may be instances where we cannot fulfill your requests. Thank you for your understanding.
  • 車を駐車する場所はありますか?
  • I have tattoos.
    Can I use the hot springs? Yes, guests staying at our inn can use the hot springs. Please rest assured.
  • 朝食は食べなくてもいいですか?
    宿泊料金に朝食が含まれていますが、朝食を抜くこともできます。 その際は事前に教えて頂けると助かります。
  • 予約はどのようにすればいいですか?
  • 喫煙してもいいですか?
    室内での喫煙は禁止されています。 ただし、喫煙を希望する方のために外に指定された喫煙スペースがあります。 ただし灰皿はございません。 違反には罰金があります。
  • 暖房と冷房設備はありますか?
  • Is Check-in available after 18:30?
    If you plan to check in after 18:30, please be sure to inform us in advance.
  • 送迎は可能ですか?
  • 駐車所はありますか?
  • Can I pay with credit cards or electronic payment methods?
    ​ Our establishment accepts payment via credit card. For bank transfers, we recommend using Wise for its low fees. You can make the bank transfer in your own currency, so there's no need to convert to Japanese yen. Detailed instructions for bank transfers will be provided via email. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Payment on-site is accepted in Japanese yen and will be based on the daily exchange rate.
  • Do I have to receive acupuncture?
    No, you don't have to. If you are afraid of acupuncture, we can also provide Japanese-style chiropractic or massage only. Our clinic is one of the few acupuncture clinics that offer electro-cosmetic acupuncture. Electro-cosmetic acupuncture is effective not only for facial rejuvenation but also for refreshing the brain. We recommend it.
  • If you don't have a car, here's how you can get here.
    Take the bus from JR Yamato-Yagi Station (South) to Nara Prefecture Kazeya Bus Stop. It's on the longest bus route in Japan. Below is the bus schedule:
  • 十津川村の天気予報を確認する場合、どの地域を見ればよいですか?
  • Is it possible to stay with pets?
    I'm sorry, but it is not possible.
  • 連泊して十津川村観光のガイドは依頼できますか?
  • Can I cook by myself?
    Yes, it's possible. Please prepare the ingredients yourself.
  • How far is it from Miuraguchi to the inn?
    It's a 25-minute drive to miuraguchi. We offer free shuttle service for guests. We also provide shuttle service to the trailhead the next morning. Please enjoy Kohechi with peace of mind.
  • アメニティは何がありますか?
    アメニティをご用意しております。 シャンプー、コンディショナー、ボディウォッシュ、ハンドソープ、タオル、ヘアドライヤーをご提供しておりますが、 歯ブラシセット、ナイトウェア、保湿剤はご用意しておりませんので、ご持参ください。
  • 最寄りのバス停はどこですか?
    宿の最寄りのバス停は滝川口です。徒歩1分 大和八木駅から滝川口までは、バスで約3時間40分です。 料金は、3,350円です。 大和八木駅から滝川口までのバスは、1日3便あります。 9:15、11:38、13:38です。 やまかぜの場合は、滝川口では停まりません。 風屋バス停で降りて宿まで徒歩20分です。 料金は、3,300円です。 大和八木駅限定発売の途中下車可能切符があります。 谷瀬の吊橋に興味がある方はこちらの切符を購入されるといいかもしれません。 ただし、やまかぜに乗車すると滝川口バス停には止まりませんのでご注意ください。
  • When your blood circulation or autonomic nerves get well-balanced due to stimulation, your body gets closer to Its healthy state.
    Also following theories of analgesic effect has been recognized since ancient times. Stimulation of the needle on spinal cord reduces pain. Stimulation of the needle prompts morphine-like substance and controls pain. Relaxes tense muscle and improves blood circulation.
  • Is there anything I should be careful of after the procedure?
    It is recommended that you relax and rest your body after the procedure.
  • Does acupuncture hurt?
    How it feels varies between individuals and their symptoms, but the needles used are completely different from syringe needles. So you will not feel that type of pain.
  • Why is the acupuncture moxibustion effective?
    Acupuncture and moxibustion assist body’s natural healing ability.
  • Can I take a bath after the procedure?
    Yes, off course. You can take a bath.
  • Can I receive acupuncture during pregnancy?
    Acupuncture has no side effects to the mother or the baby, so it is suitable for pregnant woman who cannot receive medication treatment. Acupuncture can be effective in alleviating morning sickness, help someone who had miscarriage to give birth without complication. Also, it’s been told that breech baby had corrected its position. However, please let us know of your pregnancy prior to the treatment.
  • Can I get infected by acupuncture needles?
    All needles used are sterilized and disposable, so they are very hygienic and safe.
  • Can I receive acupuncture during menstruation?
    You can receive acupuncture during menstruation. Depending on the symptom, we will consider the menstrual cycle and provide the appropriate procedure. There are people who visit the clinic to alleviate menstrual pain during menstruation.
  • What’s acupuncture needle made of?
    Currently, the widely used needles are made of stainless steels.
  • Can I receive acupuncture while I’m being treated at a hospital or on medication?
    Combining medication and acupuncture could increase the effectiveness for some illnesses. Also, we will ask about your treatment and medication at a hospital in detail. Acupuncture is effective for fatigue and exhaustion during your recovery from illness.
  • Is cosmetic acupuncture painful?
    There are individual differences, but since there are many nerves in the face and fingertips, thin needles are used, but they are easier to feel pain than needles for the trunk. Especially before your period or if you are tired, you may feel pain easily.
  • Are there any side effects?
    There are no side effects. However, you feel sluggish or your symptom may feel worse (cleansing reaction) temporarily. This is only your body trying to heal itself. So you don’t need to be concerned and just get plenty of rest.
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