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Tamaki Shrine

Sacred sanctuary located along the Kumano Kodo Kohechi trail.

Tamakiyama Shrine: Hidden Gem along the Kumano Kodo Kohechi Trail

Embark on a journey through history and nature by following the winding path of the Kumano Kodo Kohechi trail, which stretches from Mount Koya to Kumano Hongu Taisha. Nestled along this picturesque route lies the truly enchanting and mystical Tamakiyama Shrine.

Perched deep in the forest at an altitude of 1,076 meters, Tamakiyama Shrine stands as the inner shrine of the Kumano Sanzan, with its origins dating back to 37 BCE. Stepping onto the grounds, you are surrounded by towering trees that have silently witnessed 3,000 years of history, enveloping you in a mystical atmosphere.

Ancient giants, such as the awe-inspiring "Jindai Sugi" (Cedar of the Gods), stand guard at the entrance of the shrine, their immense presence a testament to centuries gone by. Other venerable trees within the precincts, such as the "Meoto Sugi" (Husband and Wife Cedars) and the majestic "Ohsugi" (Great Cedar), evoke a profound sense of timelessness.

On clear days, the summit near Tamakiyama Shrine offers breathtaking panoramic views of the Kumano Nada Sea and the Odaigahara mountain range. The sight of the surrounding landscape rising above the sea of clouds is truly awe-inspiring, offering a glimpse into a sacred sanctuary and inspiring a sense of reverence.

Tamakiyama Shrine is revered as one of Japan's premier power spots and holds a special place in the hearts of pilgrims as a renowned sacred site of the Kumano Shugendo tradition. The main shrine enshrines "Kuninotokotachi no Mikoto," revered as the creator of the universe, emitting a powerful energy that attracts visitors from afar.

Incorporating Tamakiyama Shrine into your journey along the Kohechi trail will undoubtedly enrich your experience with deeper spirituality. Encounters with ancient trees, immersion in the majestic vistas from the summit, and experiencing the palpable energy of this sacred site will leave an indelible impression on travelers seeking a deeper connection with nature and history.

玉置神社 御神木

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