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Representation based on the Specific Commercial Transactions Act



Person in charge of overall management


Postal Code

Postal code: 637-1217


946-2 Kaze-ya, Totsukawa Village, Yoshino District, Nara Prefecture

Phone Number


Phone reception hours

Weekdays 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM


Homepage URL

Selling price

The selling price of this product or service (including consumption tax)

Payment methods and payment timing

Credit Card: Payment is confirmed at the time of booking. Bank Transfer, Credit Card Payment, Cash Payment

Additional necessary expenses other than usage fees.

Consumption Tax (All prices displayed on this site are inclusive of tax.) Bank Transfer Fee (for bank transfers) Currency Exchange Fee

Payment timing

For bank transfers: Within 7 days prior to the check-in date. For credit card payments: Payment terms will be subject to the conditions set by the payment company used by the customer.

Cancellation Policy: Returns (Refund Policy)

・Cancellation 10 days prior: 20% of accommodation fee ・Cancellation the day before: 70% of accommodation fee ・Cancellation on the day: 100% of accommodation fee ・No-show without prior notice: 100% of accommodation fee

Cancellation Fee: In the case of cancellation by the customer's convenience, the customer will be responsible for the fee. In the event of natural disasters such as typhoons in Japan, the fee will be halved. Refunds will be processed according to the regulations of the credit card company.

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